The EPOS system has a built-in Customer Management module that can be accessed at the EPOS till or Website providing a central database of your customers. The following management features are included:
Create/amend customer account details
Postcode address lookup (Royal Mail PAF database or Postcode Anywhere)
Record notes against customer records
Assign multiple membership records against a single customer
Assign/re-assign/deactivate a customer membership
View customer’s active/inactive membership products
Purchase/renew membership product for a customer
Automatic membership expiry at the end of the allotted period
Customer opt-in/out of marketing
Note: All of the above can be driven via a touch screen till as well as
a standard PC with keyboard and mouse
Membership Till Operations (e.g. Spa Membership)
When the membership module is active the Till operates as normal allowing
staff to sell products.
If a user swipes a customer card or keys in a customer number a membership
screen appears.
This page shows the full customer details and any membership information
held on the system.
If there are no active memberships linked to the customer account then the
staff are prompted by a warning message.
Navigation buttons allow staff to:
Quickly add a new membership or renew an existing for the customer
View/record notes against a customer
Create a completely new customer record and assign a membership level to it